31 August 2006
About Me

Name:Blue Plate
(adj.): being a main course usually offered at a special price in a restaurant <a blue plate luncheon> Source: Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (n.): A Los Angeles-based food lover
Name:Table d'hôte
(def. from answers.com)
n., pl. ta·bles d'hôte 1. A communal table for all the guests at a hotel or restaurant. 2. A full-course meal offering a limited number of choices and served at a fixed price in a restaurant or hotel. In this sense, also called prix fixe. Source: The American Heritage Dictionary
[tah-buhl DOHT] This French term literally means "the table of the host." On restaurant menus, however, table d'hôte refers to a complete meal of several courses for the price of the entrée. Source: Barron's Food Lover's Companion.
Previous Posts
Growing Wild
Baking on Vacation
Lunch w/ Dad @ Nostrana
(My) Go To Chinese in Portland
Fruit Salad Days
Seattle Time
Garden Raid
Making Preserves from Figs
First Meal
F is for Figs, Fabulous Fresh Figs

Hit Counters

"I prithee go and get me some repast; I care not what, so it be wholesome food." —William Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew, IV, 3.
Blue Plate
Thanks so much for including me in your list. I very much appreciate it :)
I'm flattered that you chose to include my blog on your list. Thank you!
Thanks for making me one of your 5 choices for Blog Day :) I'm very flattered!
i am honoured! thank you so very much.
stevi - bread and butter
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